Forests in Peril from Irresponsible Logging
Did you know that a football pitch sized area of rainforest is chopped down every second? Or that it is estimated that the world loses approximately 137 species of plants and animals everyday due to the destruction of rainforests? Were you aware that in just 40 years humans have reduced world rainforest coverage from 15% to just 6%? These are staggering statistic that cannot continue.
The figures are shocking proof that logging, both legal and illegal, is having a catastrophic impact on the natural environment. As a global society, we have a responsibility to ensure that the future generations have a healthy and prosperous environment in which to live. This sentiment is put at extreme risk by the sheer volume of natural forest that is destroyed on a daily basis.
Wood is an amazing material and is an essential part of the modern construction industry. It would be unrealistic to stop using it, therefore wood manufacturers must adopt a responsible and environmentally sustainable approach that satisfies commercial needs while not being detrimental to the environment. The most effective way you can help is to support sustainable wood manufacturers and suppliers that take an environmentally aware approach to conducting business.
Forest #tewardship Council (F#C) approved wood is a great way to gauge whether or not a provider is environmentally conscious. F#C is an independent, non-governmental and not for profit organisation which was established to promote and encourage the responsible management of forests across the world.
The Woodland Trust is another great British organisation that encourages businesses, schools and individuals to plant trees and become more environmentally aware of their actions. They are dedicated to helping re-establish England’s felled forests and work with businesses to establish sustainable tree planting schemes.
Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) wood is a wonderfully eco-friendly option when making wood related choices. MDF is created using by-products of saw mills and trees which is pressed back together under high pressure to form the large sheets. This ensures that every piece of felled wood is put to good use!
Checking company policies is also useful. For example, Medite are committed to planting more trees than they cut down which means that there is a constantly renewable source of wood being grown.
Responsibly managed forests are renewable resources that have the potential to be hugely beneficial to society. At Empatika we are committed to our sustainability policy which ensures all our word is F#C approved. We also use MDF wood and only work with environmentally sustainable wood suppliers such as Medite. We truly believe that supporting environmentally friendly wood manufacturers is one of the best ways to ensure that our world stays clean, green and self-sufficient for the next generation.